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Examination Results

Performance Measures
Key Stage 4 - 2022/23 


NGA LA National
Progress 8 +0.03 -0.23 -0.03
Attainment 8 45.1 42.4 46.2
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 39% 35% 45%
Entering the EBacc  59% 27% 39%
EBacc Standard Pass (4 or above) 37% 16% 24%
EBacc Strong Pass (5 or above) 20% 10% 17%
EBacc Average Point Score 4.1 3.62 4.05
Staying in education or entering employment* 92% 89% 94%

Please note:

School and college performance data for the 2022/2023 academic year should be used with caution:

  • In 2022/23, qualifications returned to pre-pandemic standards. Performance measures that are based on qualification results will reflect this, and cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/2022.
  • There are ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools, colleges and pupils differently.

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

EBacc = English Baccalaureate (a suite of 5 subjects comprising: English, Mathematics, Science, History/Geography, a Modern Foreign Language)

*This is data for pupils who completed Key Stage 4 in 2021.

Key Stage 4 2021/22 
Measure NGA LA National
Progress 8 +0.51 -0.21 -0.03
Attainment 8 52.1 44.5 48.8
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 55% 41% 50%
Entering the EBacc  61% 26% 39%
EBacc Standard Pass (4 or above) 52% 16% 27%
EBacc Strong Pass (5 or above) 37% 12% 20%
EBacc Average Point Score 4.83 3.8 4.27
Staying in education or entering employment 94% 89% 94%

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

EBacc = English Baccalaureate (a suite of 5 subjects comprising: English, Mathematics, Science, History/Geography, a Modern Foreign Language)

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Key Stage 4 2020/21 

Results were not published as pupils received Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) due to the pandemic.

Key Stage 4 2019/20 

Results were not published as pupils received Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) due to the pandemic. 

Key Stage 4 2018/19 
Measure NGA LA National
Progress 8 +0.40 -0.30 -0.03
Attainment 8 45.2 42.6 46.7
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 31% 33% 43%
Entering the EBacc  71% 31% 40%
EBacc Standard Pass (4 or above) 31% 16% 25%
EBacc Strong Pass (5 or above) 19% 11% 17%
Staying in education or entering employment 87% 88% 94%

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

EBacc = English Baccalaureate (a suite of 5 subjects comprising: English, Mathematics, Science, History/Geography, a Modern Foreign Language)

Key Stage 4 2017/18 
Measure NGA LA National
Progress 8 +0.48 -0.27 -0.03
Attainment 8 47.8 41.4 46.5
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 37% 33% 43%
Entering the EBacc  78% 29% 38%
EBacc Standard Pass (4 or above) 43%   24%
EBacc Strong Pass (5 or above) 22%   17%
Staying in education or entering employment 91% 88% 94%

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

EBacc = English Baccalaureate (a suite of 5 subjects comprising: English, Mathematics, Science, History/Geography, a Modern Foreign Language)

Key Stage 5 2022/23 

Progress figures not calculated (nationally) due to the pandemic.


Measure NGA LA National
Average Grade C C B-
Average Points per Entry 29.05 30.77 35.48

Applied General

Measure NGA LA National
Average Grade Merit+ Merit+ Merit+
Average Points per Entry 27.75 28.68 29.56


Measure NGA LA National
Average Grade n/a Distinction- Merit+
Average Points per Entry n/a 31.44 28.52


Measure NGA LA National
Progression Score 9    
Progressing to HE or Training (2020 Leavers) 84% 71% 68%

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Key Stage 5 2021/22 

Progress figures not calculated (nationally) due to the pandemic.


Measure NGA LA National
Average Grade C+ B- B
Average Points per Entry 33.08 35.28 39.04

Applied General

Measure NGA LA National
Average Grade Distinction- Distinction- Distinction-
Average Points per Entry 30.68 30.42 31.98


Measure NGA LA National
Average Grade Distinction+ Merit + Distinction-
Average Points per Entry 37.5 29.98 30.56


Measure NGA LA National
Progression Score 7    
Progressing to HE or Training (2020 Leavers) 76% 61% 66%
Progressing to HE or Training (2019 Leavers) 76% 77% 79%

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Key Stage 5 2020/21 

Results were not published as pupils received Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) due to the pandemic. 

Key Stage 5 2019/20 

Results were not published as pupils received Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) due to the pandemic. 

Key Stage 5 2018/19 


Measure NGA LA National
Progress +0.13   -0.02
Average Grade C C C+
Average Points per Entry 29.80 30.73 34.01
Completing main programme of Study 77.8% 86.4% 91.3%

Applied General

Measure NGA LA National
Progress +0.48   0.01
Average Grade Distinction- Merit+ Merit+
Average Points per Entry 32.51 28.41 28.91
Completing main programme of Study 95.2% 89.4% 86.5%


Insufficient number of candidates to publish data.

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

Key Stage 5 2017/18 


Measure NGA LA National
Progress +0.01   -0.01
Average Grade C   C+
Average Points per Entry 31.25 30.41 32.29
Completing main programme of Study 93.3% 89.9% 92.4%

Applied General

Measure NGA LA National
Progress +0.21   0.01
Average Grade Distinction- Merit+ Merit+
Average Points per Entry 30.32 28.05 28.45
Completing main programme of Study 100% 96.5% 90.4%


Measure NGA LA National
Completion & Attianment +0.81 0.08 0.00
Average Grade Merit+ Distinction- Merit+
Average Points per Entry 28.33 31.41 28.12
Completing main programme of Study 100% 96.4% 90.6%

NGA = Nottingham Girls' Academy

LA = Local Authority (Nottingham City)

Further Detail

Please click on the link below to access the DfE performance tables for NGA for further detail: